My Soul Essence Holistic Healing & Crystals

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The Paradox of Love and Hate: exploring conflicting emotions within ourselves.

Someone once asked me if it's possible to experience both love and hate towards a person simultaneously. In response, I urged them to reflect upon themselves and consider when was the last time they truly valued their own worth. When did they last celebrate their accomplishments, no matter how big or small? And when did they last experience the conflicting emotions of falling in love with someone while also feeling frustrated with themselves for loving too much?

My dear, it is indeed possible to love and hate a person at the same time, because we often unknowingly do it to ourselves. We fail to recognize this truth and lack the courage to admit it. Perhaps, we become so fixated on projecting these emotions onto someone who has hurt us that we overlook the subtle ways in which we do the same to ourselves. We tirelessly strive to bring joy to others, to be appreciated, and to love wholeheartedly, yet we frequently forget that we too are deserving of such love and care.

The truth is, deep down, you already possess the knowledge and understanding of what needs to be done to improve your life. It is the fear of taking risks that holds you back. You already hold the answers to the questions that plague your mind; it is simply the fear of facing the consequences that keeps you from embracing them.