Dana Litchfield Dana Litchfield

Embracing Boundaries and Healing from Trauma

On a daily basis, we wrestle with the invisible weight of our trauma. It's a silent battle waged behind closed doors, where even the simplest interactions can feel like walking through a minefield. Each smile forced, each nod of agreement a concession to the relentless pressure to please.

And yet, despite the overwhelming fatigue and the constant ache of our weary souls, we persevere. Because we know that healing is not a linear journey. It's messy and nonlinear, filled with moments of despair and flickers of hope.

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Integrating Light and Shadow: Aligning Preaching and Practice for Personal Growth

Integrating Light and Shadow | Aligning Preaching and Practice for Personal Growth

In our quest for personal growth and self-improvement, we often find ourselves grappling with a common dilemma: the disparity between what we preach and what we practice. This disharmony arises due to the intricate workings of our human body, which keeps a score of our experiences. When we embody our wounded self, rooted in our past, we struggle to align ourselves with our higher self, which represents our future direction. In this article, we delve deeper into the reasons behind this internal conflict and explore strategies to bridge the gap between preaching and practice.

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Dana Litchfield Dana Litchfield

Navigating Narcissistic Relationships: Recognising the Signs

Navigating relationships can be a complex and sometimes challenging journey. However, when it comes to relationships with narcissists, the dynamics can become even more intricate and potentially harmful. In this blog, we will explore the topic of narcissistic relationships, focusing on recognizing the signs that indicate you may be in such a relationship.

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Dana Litchfield Dana Litchfield

The Alchemy of Self Healing: Embracing the Journey

Within the depths of our being lies the transformative power of self-healing, an alchemy that transcends the limitations of our past. As we embrace our journey of healing, we unlock the doors to our true essence, ascending into the realm of 5D consciousness. May the light of awareness guide us, as we navigate the path of healing, reclaiming our power, and embracing the infinite possibilities that await.

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Dana Litchfield Dana Litchfield

Creating Sacred Space: a cleansing ritual for your home or office.

As a spiritual healer and crystal therapist, I understand the importance of maintaining a positive and harmonious environment. In this post, we will explore a simple yet powerful cleansing ritual that can help you clear negative energies and invite positive vibes into your space.

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